Your mailer is down? You came up with a great idea that you want to
share with the mailing list? You're just plain bored and wasting time? No
problem... You too can:
Contribute to the Dakota mailing list!

The Your Email address: field needs to
contain your mail address so that we can respond to the right person.
Also, if the mail
bounces for some reason, you will receieve notification if Your Email address
: is set correctly. If Your Email: is set incorrectly, you might
as well be mailing /dev/null for all the good it'll do ya.
This page is for posting to the Dakota mailing list. All
administrative requests will be ignored!! Many people
will be recieving your post, so putting an administrative request in this
form is anything but an anonymous mistake.
Please note that only subscribers can send mail to the list, so you
will have to subscribe first if you wish to send something via this
gateway. Of course, if you have access to your e-mail program, a
better way to post is to simply send your message to
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@dakota-truck.net