
Dakota Trouble Codes


Enter the code(s) you would like to look up in the box below (or leave it blank to see a list of all codes)

You can enter codes in either MIL (i.e. 12, 55, etc.) or Scan Tool (i.e. P0300, P0171, etc.) format.

If all else fails:
Some people have been unable to pull the trouble codes no matter what method they use (1998 and 1999 models are notorious for this). If you are unable to pull the trouble codes yourself, wether it be because you aren't doing the procedure right or perhaps your truck doesn't have that feature, most auto parts stores have scanners and will pull your trouble codes for free. I know for sure that Autozone does this, and have heard that many others do as well. (They do this for free because they are hoping that if it turns out to be a bad oxygen sensor, for example, that you will purchase an oxygen sensor from them.) You can also purchase a scanner of your own; I have seen models for sale as cheap as $30.
How to get the codes on a 2000+ Dakota:
Same as for a pre-1997 Dakota (see below) except the trouble codes will display in the odometer area instead of flashing the check engine light.
How to get the codes on a 1998-1999 Dakota:
Depress the trip reset and trip/odometer switches, and, while holding them, turn the ignition to ON/RUN, and wait about 5 seconds. This sends the car through a short self-test sequence that lights all segments of the odometer and shift selector read-out (where applicable). It will then display the stored error codes.

If that doesn't work, try holding in the trip/odometer button while doing the key on/off cycle 3 times (described below).

If that doesn't work, some people have reported success by doing the key on/off cycle 10 times instead of 3.
(Many thanks to Bob Tom (tigers@bserv.com) for the above info.)
How to get the codes on a 1997 Dakota:
Put the key in your ignition and turn it to the "on" position three times. (Insert key, on, off, on, off, on). Leave it in the on position. The first trouble code will be displayed on your digital LED odometer. Quickly cycle the key again (off, on) to display the next code, and just keep cycling the key to get the remainder of the codes. (Many thanks to Dale Keller (dalekeller@uswest.net) for the above info.)

How to get the codes on a pre-1997 Dakota:
Put the key in your ignition and turn it to the "on" position three times. (Insert key, on, off, on, off, on). Leave it in the on position. There will be a short delay as the computer prepares to display the codes. Watch your "check engine" light. It will begin to flash. Count the number of flashes to read the codes. All codes are two digits. The first digit will be flashed, there will be a delay, and then the second digit will be flashed. If there is more than one code, there will be a longer delay between codes. For example, if your computer was to display the codes 12, 17, and 55, the check engine light would flash as follows:

(short delay)
flash flash

(long delay)

(short delay)
flash flash flash flash flash flash flash

(long delay)

flash flash flash flash flash
(short delay)
flash flash flash flash flash

Its a lot simpler to do than it is to explain. :-)

How to use this database:
Enter the code you would like to look up in the box above and hit the "submit" button.
You can also look up multiple codes at the same time; just type them all in the box, seperated by spaces. For example, to look up codes 12, 17, and 55, you'd enter

12 17 55

in the box and then hit the "submit" button.

If you would like to view all of the codes in the "database", then just hit the submit button without entering anything in the box.

Many thanks to Jason Bleazard for giving me the info for code 32 from his '95 FSM.
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Jon N. Steiger / jon@dakota-truck.net